Monday, May 7, 2007

It Can't Be Just Two Weeks Away!

Anticipation is a great thing. This is NOT it.

The future is now only two weeks away. Small details keep coming up, demanding attention...things like the need to break in a new pair of shoes, or finding out if peanut butter is allowed (travel snacks are a necessity!), or discovering the difference between an adapter and a converter (both are required, apparently). Then there's the big things, like making sure that my husband has a copy of my passport and knows when to pick me up at the airport! Am I missing something? Who knows? Do you? If you have any suggestions for this soon-to-be traveler, please post them!


Candace said...

Suggestions? Keep breaking (both in AND out!) and know that the journey will lead you no matter how many good plans you make. We will all be eagerly awaiting your reports. After all, not many of us have the good fortune to be taking such a trip. May all "travel mercies" be yours.

stan patton said...

Deb--suggestions for Travel Tools. There are five essential travel tools that you must include in your travel backpack:
(1) a long-haired toothbrush that entertwins around the rear molars to clean off the egg fuyong that you'll consume at lunchtime.
(2) a pair of tight running, knee-length stockings to hold in your varicose veins while you traverse the Great Wall.
(3) a lexicon for translating key words from English to Mandarin Chinese (e.g., where is the female toilet?, call for a rickashaw, etc.)
(4) a cell phone that has worldwide connections so you can call Mark/husband and ask him to send some more spending money.
(5) a security chain connected to your wrist and to the set of your favorite chop sticks so you won't lose the chop sticks after dinner.
DEB-if you remember these five essentials, you're journey to Asia will be successful. Have an enormously fun and memorable experience. We all envy you. Even Jeb says he feels remorse because you haven't invited him to go along.
Drive safely- stan & linda patton, Bend, OR.

Grace-Anne Alfiero, BBF said...

I am so excited to read all about your trip! I hope you have been practicing with your chopsticks and I hope you do not have to eat beef tongue like I did in Osaka a few weeks ago!

I am so proud of you and your important work. Pet Jeb for me!

Safe Travels!

MadelonLowellScripter said...

Hello, Deb! We are also so proud of you AND your other going c your group to China. We're eager to hear how our Chinese brothers & sisters do things. Did you say there will be pictures here OR later!!?Have started sending out the blog data to CG+ others. Safe and highly eventful travels!LowellMadelonScripter